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10 Proven Ways to Get More Amazon Reviews in 2022


Are you aware that Amazon uses your product’s reviews to determine where it appears in its search results? 

How to Get More Amazon Reviews to Boost Sales and Search Rank

The more reviews your product has, the more visibility it gets and the more sales you can make. Reviews are essential to any eCommerce business, and Amazon users rely on reviews from other customers when deciding which products to purchase. 

Therefore, when customers can see how other buyers like them feel about your product, they’re much more likely to buy it themselves — and even to spend more money on it. 

The best way to get more Amazon reviews is through positive customer feedback. And, there are ways to encourage positive reviews without being too pushy or desperate (which will actually get you fewer reviews!). So here are 10 proven tips to help you get more Amazon reviews, which will boost your conversion rate instantly.

Be Completely Honest With Your Clients

If you’re worried about bad reviews, it’s important to remember that honesty is almost always your best policy. Your product description should clearly communicate what a customer will get if they purchase it. So be honest about what you’re selling. Unrealistic expectations often cause negative reviews.

Moreover, whenever you ask your customer for feedback, make sure you’re ready to hear their honest opinion. Work on making your customers feel like they can speak freely without fear of retribution. 

Also, don’t be afraid of getting a bad review; you can use it to your advantage. It is also important for consumers to see how a business responds to criticism for the product they are considering buying. 

Your proactive approach to problem-solving will be demonstrated when you interact with customers that had a negative experience. Your brand is then more likely to be trusted.

High-Quality Customer Service

High-quality customer service is one of the best ways to get reviews. Focus on giving customers a great experience when they do business with you because this is just another way to say: “You matter to me!”. 

High-quality eCommerce customer service can help you get reviews from people who would not usually write them. Good product support can also help convince some reviewers who were on the fence about their purchase to change their minds and leave a positive review for your product. 

Even if it doesn’t lead directly to a review, it will increase sales, indirectly leading to more reviews. So treat every interaction as an opportunity for feedback and/or a potential review. Use emails, messages, and private notes to communicate with buyers when necessary. 

And never forget that your best customers are often your biggest fans. They love what you do, and they want everyone else to know it. 

Email a Personalized Request for a Review

Sending a personalized email can be enough to convince your customer base that you’re genuinely interested in what they have to say. By taking a minute to write down a quick email, you’ll also establish yourself as someone who cares about every aspect of their experience. 

It also helps that most customers are delighted when they get an email from a brand asking for feedback—they’re more than happy to give it. Even if you don’t offer some sort of incentive, like a discount or a freebie, your customers will be thrilled just to know that you care about how they feel and where there might be room for improvement.

Enroll Your Product in the Amazon Vine Program

To get 5-star reviews and speed up sales, it’s critical that you get your product in front of people who will give you a great review. To do so, you can try Amazon Vine. Vine members can get early access to new products and leave reviews for them as soon as possible, providing honest feedback and earning a positive reputation on Amazon. 

Sellers with only a few reviews and Amazon BrandTM-registered products can apply for Amazon Vine. To enroll, a seller submits 30 inventory items. Vine reviewers try out and write a review upon receiving the product for free. 

In Amazon’s estimation, “25% of reviews are received within 5 days of ordering, while 99% of reviews are received within 35 days of ordering.” This is a game-changer, as it expedites the process of reviews for newly registered products.

Use the Request a Review Button

In Seller Central, you can manually request reviews for each order within 4 to 30 days of purchase using Amazon’s “Request a Review” button. One of the best things about this is that the customer doesn’t have to actually write a review. 

They can only rate the email from 1 to 5 stars by clicking the stars in the email, so as a result, you will get more reviews. 

Here’s a closer look at what you can do with this button and what happens when it’s pressed:

As it is entirely within Amazon’s terms and probably the easiest way for someone to rate your product, there is little reason not to take advantage of this feature every time you sell your product.

Use Product Inserts 

Most products come with an insert detailing their features and benefits and can be an excellent chance for you to be creative with sales! 

You can consider including a QR code linking directly to your reviews page. Another example is betting on small gifts; if you sell t-shirts, throw in a sticker or button pack with a small thanking note, including your social media, and kindly ask the customer to review your product. 

These can be great, subtle ways of requesting a review without coming across as spammy. And customers are much more likely to oblige if they’re receiving something free from you in exchange for their time and effort!

Pro-tip: Don’t suggest that you only want them to write a positive review when writing a note for a product insert. That’s against Amazon’s review policy

Check Your Seller Feedback Section

Something you need to be aware of: There is a tendency for customers to leave product reviews in the Seller Feedback section. You can reach out to these customers to kindly ask them to copy and paste this in the product review section.

For that reason, it’s essential to check your Seller Feedback regularly to look for any cases like this. And it’s crucial to reach out soon after the customer leaves feedback, so the experience is fresh in their mind.

Choose the Right Time to Act

Asking for a customer review is an excellent time to employ the adage “timing is everything.” If a customer hasn’t actually received a product yet, receiving a review request can be off-putting. 

If you’re asking Amazon customers for reviews, ensure they’ve received the product and have had the opportunity to use it for a few days. Following up a few days after delivery is an optimal time to ask for a review, with another gentle follow-up around the 10 to 14-day mark if they still haven’t sent feedback.

Alternatively, using automatic Amazon messaging software helps take the guesswork out of the timings and automatically optimizes the feedback request process.

Make the Most of Social Channels

There are social media platforms available for just about every niche, and you should absolutely make use of them. Three such channels are worth prioritizing: Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. 

That’s because of their massive reach and ability to boost traffic. Facebook is especially helpful in that it offers excellent tracking tools. You can see what users are doing on your page (including whether they’re clicking), which makes it easier for you to understand how users interact with your product or service.

To encourage more product reviews, create great content, create more engagement between your brand and your followers and run campaigns through social media asking them to leave feedback on your products. 

Customers love leaving product reviews and will do so quickly when given an opportunity — so giving a friendly push to make it happen and opening up some space for such a thing is an excellent way of increasing your feedback rate. 

Provide Discounts and Special Promotions

Buyers feel happier when they receive discounts and vouchers. After all, who doesn’t love a bargain? But sadly, you cannot offer a discount in exchange for a customer’s review. 

You can offer promo codes as part of your regular promotions in lieu of discounts. Launching your products with an exclusive introductory discount for email subscribers is a great way to make a big splash. Once they have purchased, you can email them asking to leave a review on Amazon about our product.

It’s also possible to run sales all year long to increase your review request rate during those times and naturally generate more positive reviews. Furthermore, offering product discounts can also be an excellent way to bring in new customers – the majority of shoppers state they are more likely to try new products if they have coupons.

Final Thoughts

You can certainly do many things, from using the right feedback and helpdesk for Amazon software to choosing the right timing. Additionally, taking advantage of the great marketing tactics we’ve discussed above will certainly boost your product’s feedback rate on Amazon. 

In addition, every Amazon seller should remember the importance of consistently providing top-quality customer service. Providing customers with prompt and effective responses is essential for building reputation, ratings, and sales. 


About the Author:

We are a group of experienced entrepreneurs, software developers, and hi-tech lovers focused on developing creative & innovative marketing, design, and communications solutions for eBay sellers. No matter if you sell on eBay, Amazon, Shopify, Etsy, or other marketplaces, 3Dsellers eBay Orders Manager can sync every order from all your selling channels.

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